Sunday 30 January 2011

~30th January~ May Angels Lead You In

Dear Blog, 

It has come to my attention that one of my dearest friends has had to depart from us. 

I should have known really, that things don't last forever. But I didn't even notice. To be fair, they didn't really complain, just sucked it up and carried on. It was only when people started pointing it out to me that I really saw it for the first time.

Their usual lustre has faded and became grubby, their form stretched and disfigured from the weight they carried, but they didn't care. They had been thrown around carelessly, battered and abused, but they didn't care. They were falling to pieces and slowly becoming unrepairable, but they didn't care. They were just happy be there with me. I chuckled forlornly when I realised they had become the embodiment of Textiles ' Decay' theme; withered and ready to move on. 

So, farewell, my dear friend; my dear beloved backpack.

You've seen me through the good times and the bad. 
You carried my schoolbooks on the most important days of my life (so far.)
You've been with me on my adventures across the sea and at home. 
You've put up with the relentless abuse I gave you.
You're practically one of my best friends. 

You've been the most reliable and spacious bag a girl could ask for. And for that, I couldn't thank you enough.  

You will forever have my love.

Goodbye backpack. Goodbye friend.

September 2008 - January 2011

Yes, I know this is completely absurd for me to be writing an epitaph to my backpack, but you believe that, you obviously don't me well enough.

I know you didn't need to know about that, but I do have big things coming for this blog, just as soon as I get my mountainous work pile done. Pinky swear.

So until the next time we meet, 
All my love,



RabbitOdyssey on 1 February 2011 at 03:00 said...

i'll miss you too baggy :( <3

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